WelcomeYou deserve to live a happy and successful life - one full of spontaneous joy at the exquisite beauty unfolding in every moment. Please read our personal stories below and our approach to helping you transform beyond your biggest expectations!
Sharon & Jon "If you don't change direction you may end up where you are heading." - Rumi

We find our happiness living in an "endless winter": skiing in Colorado during the snow season and surfing in Bali during the southern hemisphere winter, where temperatures dip down to a comfortable 76 degrees Fahrenheit. We haven't always lived this lifestyle. We each desired it, designed it, and created a lifestyle that made us happy. Along the way, we have may coaches to thank. As a result we found each other, combined our powers, and have incredible experiences every day. Now we share the stories of our journeys to help our clients create their own life of abundant happiness.
We know from personal experience that you can find yourself living within your own box - within the boundaries you created based on what you believe to be possible. Our current lifestyle naturally attracts people, like you, who have an intuitive feeling that outside that box, a life of abundant happiness exists. The problem is you may not know how to step out of that box. Here's the secret. The instructions are written on the outside of your box.
The unique Zelement Coaching program reveals to you those instructions and shows you that you are capable of following them, no matter how challenging they may at first seem. Each client gets a program to suit their needs. We can meet via phone, in person at one of our international homes, or anywhere in the world that is mutually agreeable. We also host private and group coaching retreats where we enjoy skiing, snowboarding, surfing, yoga, golf, or some logical combination of these activities.
We know from personal experience that you can find yourself living within your own box - within the boundaries you created based on what you believe to be possible. Our current lifestyle naturally attracts people, like you, who have an intuitive feeling that outside that box, a life of abundant happiness exists. The problem is you may not know how to step out of that box. Here's the secret. The instructions are written on the outside of your box.
The unique Zelement Coaching program reveals to you those instructions and shows you that you are capable of following them, no matter how challenging they may at first seem. Each client gets a program to suit their needs. We can meet via phone, in person at one of our international homes, or anywhere in the world that is mutually agreeable. We also host private and group coaching retreats where we enjoy skiing, snowboarding, surfing, yoga, golf, or some logical combination of these activities.
JonYears ago, I had a goal of becoming a scratch golfer in five years. I interviewed 11 coaches. Nine of them told me it was not possible. One said "If you dedicate yourself to the practice, we can do this." The last one said, "I did it in four years". I hired those two coaches.
I had my first job at 15, performed well, and when I came back the following summer, I "failed the 200 question personality test" and wasn't rehired. I saw an opportunity to start my own business combining my love of being at the beach, a group of friends who had great surf style, and the onset of the handheld VHS camcorder revolution in Southern California. I coined a phrase that has since governed my life and adorned some of my license plate holders: "Live life like you're on vacation." That surf video business was the first of three companies I started before the age of 22 and I used the profits to put myself through college. Upon graduating with a B.S. in Business Management and Finance, I was offered a stock broker position with Merrill Lynch. I had plenty of time to contemplate the offer and the lifestyle it would provide on the 2 hour commute home through Orange County traffic. I politely declined the offer. The next month I sold my paint contracting business and my triathlon bicycle, packed up my Honda Civic, and drove east to the Rocky Mountains with nothing but two job interviews lined up at the Aspen and Breckenridge ski schools. It had been my dream to work at Aspen, ever since I started skiing when I was 18. When I got offers for both jobs, I was faced with what turned out to be a tougher decision than I anticipated. I didn't move to Colorado to live the ski bum lifestyle, rather to become a ski professional and make a life of success doing something I truly loved. I quickly learned that Aspen was not a place to thrive on a ski instructor salary, let alone buy a starter home. At Breckenridge I earned my full certification (PSIA Level 3) in my second year of teaching, became a resort staff trainer in only two more years, and a division trainer for the Rocky Mountains three years after that. I had the four-bedroom house (with an actual white-picket fence) and a career in finance on the side, after all, to support my wife and two wonderful children. My purpose is to help people play the music that is contained in their souls. In reflecting on my achievements over the years I realized I had a system I could share with others to help them define and reach their most meaningful goals. Since 2003 I have been taking the lessons of my achievements in life and incorporating them in to my coaching and training of others in sports, business, and lifestyle.
I was used to people telling me that I have the perfect life - living in the Colorado mountains, teaching skiing in the winter and golf in the summer - and while it was pretty good, I had a feeling it could be great. Since moving to Colorado, there was one calling that I had been ignoring, and that was the call of the beach lifestyle that brought me such joy in my youth. I took inventory of my life and it was time for a new 5 year plan. This time I had my mind set on building a retreat for athletes and friends near a beautiful beach to surf and practice yoga. As it turned out this time the plan took only 9 months to manifest. I now live my version (the one that counts) of a "perfect life"... just like I imagined: Colorado winters and the beaches of Bali. With assistance of my coaches Holly Keller and Leon Smith, at the age of 32, four and a half years after picking up the game of golf, I was employed as a golf professional with a handicap of +1 (that's 1 better than scratch). I sincerely thank Holly and Leon for showing me the value of great coaching and belief in the student and the system. How it Works:
SharonI was in the advisers office at the University of Florida and she asked me "Have you selected a major?" I said, "Which one pays the most?" She pulled out a list and Computer Engineering was at the top. This is how I made an important life decision as an 18 year old.
Five years later I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.S. in Computer Engineering and a programming job lined up at Microsoft in Seattle. My life was wonderful. At work I was on the fast track, I married my love from college, and made lifelong friends. Being smart enough to excel at something that didn't satisfy me on a deep level was both a blessing and a curse, and it could only propel me so far. I was working hard toward a vision of happiness I held in the back of my mind, but what was never clear to me was how my current path would take me there. Still, I worked hard believing one day it would all magically connect. My 10 year anniversary at Microsoft was on the horizon and I had a deep sense I needed a change but I had no idea what to do. I had a desire to travel but didn't equate that with a new business or life change. I just knew I needed to get out in the world and expand my idea of what is possible. I organized a 3 month leave from work and set off on my first trip around the world. I came back with stories and lessons and my friends and coworkers were interested to know how I did it and if they could do it too. In this way, my new profession found me. I had a talent for helping people to start a transition. I was able to use my combination of life experience with 10 years of excellent training in the corporate world, including the opportunity to study under authors and coaches including Steven Covey, Marshall Goldsmith, and Michael Gelb. It was when I started traveling that these lessons really came to life. I created three Guiding Principles to help me have a focus during my travels because it was not a vacation I was interested in. These encouraged me to expand my comfort zone, meet many people, and ultimately helped me realize the life of abundant happiness I had been imagining. Bali was the first destination I booked on that inaugural three month trip, although, I would attend a 10-day Vipassana silent meditation retreat in the snow-covered hills of eastern Germany, walk on the frozen Baltic sea and see The Killers perform in Helsinki, live with a host family in Seville for the month leading up to Semana Santa, see Mumford & Sons in Madrid, dine in NYC, see my favorite band, Wilco, perform two nights at the Sydney Opera House, and have many other adventures before arriving in Bali for my previously scheduled surf-yoga retreat. In the past three years I have gone through two passports, lived in or visited over 20 countries, skied and snowboarded on three continents in one season, given away 90% of my stuff, immersed in yoga teacher training in Thailand, faced a fear and learned to scuba dive, and said yes to countless other experiences that were not on my radar before I started traveling. This continues to be an invaluable education. If you have a deep desire to make a change like the one I made or if you feel successful in some parts or your life yet lacking in others, I can help. I understand that so much travel and living abroad does not appeal to everyone and I have coached many people to find more happiness without having to move or give up anything they love. Happiness is an infinite resource and you deserve to be happy. How It Works:
Contact Sharon for Coaching [email protected] OR Coaching Intake Form: Tell Me About YOU |